Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Beginning the Journey

I have hesitated for years in starting a blog, mainly due to fear of how people might us the information against me. I decided that a good way to start a blog was to provide a journal for my sabbatical. My sabbatical begins in January until May 2009. I plan to do writing and research for most of the time, but in April and May I will be traveling to England and Western Europe to teach at several Nazarene Colleges. I plan to include updates of my adventures and pictures of my new discoveries. Feel free to make comments on my blog about my time in Europe.

Sabbatical Itinerary:

January 13-15, Visit Family in Kentucky
January 16-17, Attend NAPCE Pre-Conference Planning, Louisville, Kentucky
January 18-24, Caribbean Cruise with Colorado District Pastors
February 5-7, NNU Wesley Conference
March 5-7, Wesley Theological Society Meetings, Indiana Wesleyan University
April 9-18, Teaching in Sofia, Bulgaria
April 19-May 2, Teach at European Nazarene College, Busigen, Switzerland
May 3-8, Visit Oxford, Wesley Historical Cites, and North Wales
May 7-15, Teach at Nazarene Theological College, Manchester, England
May 17-22, Vacation in Rome, Italy
May 23-29, Teach in Barcelona, Spain

My Sabbatical Goals:

1. Complete Christian Education Textbook by April 15.
2. Write article on Christian Formation and Learning for new book by January 31.
3. Write article for Christian Education Journal by May 31.
4. Teach at Nazarene Colleges in Europe.
5. Rest and Enjoy the Journey!
